General Do’s and Don’ts After Total Joint Surgery (The First 12 Weeks)
You will be told how much weight bearing you can do prior to your discharge. Do not advance this until you have seen your physician or been instructed to increase your weight bearing.
Do continue using the devices (crutches or walker) you have been instructed to use. Do not change this assistive device without checking with your physician.
Do continue to wear your elastic stockings until your 6 week check-up. You may remove these at night when in bed or for short periods during the day but in general these need to be worn.
Do continue taking your pain medicine as needed. Call the office if you need a refill, but remember to call in advance, not when you only have one pain pill left. This is especially important if you are taking a narcotic pain medicine because in most instances these prescriptions CANNOT be telephoned to your pharmacist. Prescriptions for a narcotic medicine generally need to be picked up by a family member or mailed to the patient, so keep this in mind.
Do maintain any and all position restrictions given to you by your therapist or doctor.
Do call your surgeon’s office if you have questions regarding your progress or activities.
Do not drive a car or return to work unless you have first checked with your physician.