Joint Diseases

Osteoarthritis (OA)
Osteoarthritis is one of the more than 120 forms of arthritis which can occur in patients. Osteoarthritis, also known as OA, osteoarthrosis, or degenerative joint disease (DJD), is the type of arthritis that almost everyone develops in their lifetime. It is a form of arthritis that develops gradually, usually occurring sometime after the age of 45. OA is usually chronic in nature but fortunately occurs most frequently as a relatively mild condition. Some patients, however develop more severe symptoms requiring treatment and even joint replacement.

Osteonecrosis (ON)
You have been given this website either because you or some member of your family has been diagnosed with osteonecrosis (ON). ON is not particularly common, afflicting approximately 20,000 new patients per year in the U.S. However, patients are relatively young, with an average age of 38 (although any age can be affected). Since the diagnosis does not affect longevity there are several hundred thousand patients in the U.S. alone who are living with the disease.