Frequently Asked Questions

Before Sugery
Will anyone contact me before surgery to discuss any concerns I may have?
Can my family stay with me during this time?
When should I arrive at the hospital for my surgery?
What should I bring to the hospital?
How long will I be in the hospital?
Are there medications I need to stop taking before surgery?
Will I need to donate blood before surgery?
What kinds of tests will I need before surgery?

Discharge Day: Recovery
When will I be able to have sexual intercourse after my surgery?
When will I be able to participate in sports activities?
When will I be able to return to work?
When can I drive?
When can I go outside?
How long will I need to use my walker or crutches?
Will I need pain medicine after I’m discharged from the hospital?
When can I go up and down stairs?
Do I need someone to stay full-time with me when I go home?
What can I expect the first few days after discharge?