Helpful Hints

Before Admission For Your Sugery
Once your surgery has been scheduled, there will be a period of time prior to your admission to the hospital. This time can be used to organize and plan for both your hospital stay and your care after discharge. The suggestions given here are a guide in assisting you to make the best decisions concerning your surgical experience as well as your full recovery. With this goal in mind, please feel free to adapt any of the following to your individual situation.

During Hospitalization
While you are hospitalized for your total joint surgery various staff members will be working with you to assure that you receive the best care possible as well as the most effective transfer from hospital to home or other facility.
The hospitalization period no doubt will be a time of some level of anxiety for most patients. While this is common, hopefully by reviewing the information presented here as well as the other patient topics, your fears will be lessened and you will be better prepared to actively participate in all phases of your decision for total joint surgery.
The information and tips offered here are suggestions and ideas gathered from our experience with patients. We realize that each person is unique and the suggestions offered here may need to be altered to fit the individual’s needs. We do hope however, that this information can act as a guide for your care while hospitalized.