Day of Discharge
The day of discharge from the hospital can be a hectic one. By following these hints we hope to make the day an easier one.
Expect to attend at least the A.M. therapy session. This allows for another review session and also gives you a chance to ask any last minute questions.
You should receive a copy of your physical therapy exercises and any instructions pertinent to your rehabilitation after discharge.
Be sure that you have all information regarding any home care arrangements made, including a telephone number of the agency assigned to your care in case of any problems.
Discharge instructions should be discussed and a copy given to you by the case manager and the nurse who is discharging you.
Be sure any dressing supplies or equipment ordered are given to you prior to discharge.
If you live out of state, have any pain medicine prescriptions filled here prior to leaving the hospital. This is usually necessary, since the pain medicine ordered is often a narcotic and most states will not honor a prescription written by an out of state physician.
If you are traveling any distance home, take your pain medicine before you leave the hospital to allow for a more comfortable trip home.
If you are being transferred to the rehab unit here or to another facility, be sure that you have the name and telephone number of your case manager or physician as a contact person for the rehab personnel to reach for any questions regarding your care.