Knee Education

About the Knee and Knee Replacement
The knee is a complicated joint which is made up of muscle, tendons, ligaments, and bones. These components permit it to move in a number of directions enabling us to sit, stand, walk, climb stairs, and change direction (pivot). Total Knee Replacement is a surgical procedure which involves the replacement of the worn-out parts of the knee with an artificial joint.

Knee Replacement Surgery
Surgery involves the removal of all of the damaged bone and cartilage. Please review this section to learn more about what to expect before, during and after your surgery. This will help you be prepared and ensure that your surgery and recovery go as smoothly as possible.

Risks and Activity
It is important that you understand that there are risks associated with any major surgical procedure and total knee replacement is no exception. This section is not meant to alarm you, but you really do need to know these kinds of things in order to make the decision as to whether you wish to proceed with a total knee replacement.

Knee Home Exercise Program
Here are some home knee exercises that your doctor may recommend to help speed your recovery.

Partial Knee Resurfacing
There are many causes of knee pain and there is a variety of treatment options. This section will review the causes and treatments of knee pain, highlighting more conservative knee treatment. Alleviating the pain and restoring mobility in your knee may allow you to do the simple things — from walking to gardening — even playing with your grandchildren, and most importantly, just enjoy life again.

Computer-Assisted Knee Replacement Surgery
Dr. Janke and Dr. Naide utilize computer-assisted technology to perform total knee replacement surgery. This advanced technique enhances results and recovery of a total knee replacement by providing more accurate placement and alignment of implants.