Quick Recovery from New Hip Replacement Procedure
It used to be, for a total hip replacement you could expect to be out of commission for weeks on end, using a walker, crutches, and plenty of caution to avoid any problems. But a new technique offered at North Broward Medical Center (NBMC) has patients up and walking the same day as surgery. Dr. Bruce Janke, medical director for the hip and knee replacement center created a year ago at NBMC, said the new technique allows for faster rehabilitation.
“Traditionally, muscles have to be cut from the back of the hip, and because of this, the patients can’t bend over, [must] be careful about twisting to prevent dislocating,” said Janke. “Our procedure doesn’t cut any muscles…we go between two natural muscle planes on the front of the hip.”
Janke said patients are out of bed the night of surgery and using a walker the next day. The fact that muscles aren’t cut speeds recovery and reduces risk of re-injury.
Sandy Johnson, a Lighthouse Point commissioner, recently had the surgery and said the whole experience was wonderful.
“You are better so fast and I was walking unassisted less than a week after the surgery,” said Johnson, who researched several different doctors, including some who wanted to perform the surgery the other way. “With the old way, you spend weeks in a walker, and there are all sorts of limitations on what you can do. The whole experience was wonderful and I can do anything. I was back to the gym in less than two weeks after.”
The treatment has been in Europe since 1996, and Janke said NBMC is the only accredited program in the tri-county area. They’ve been doing the surgery for three years, with over 500 successes.
“Our rate of dislocations is zero right now. With traditional [hip surgery], the standard rate is 8-10 percent for the lifetime of the hip,” said Janke. “We saw the benefits…faster rehabilitation, dislocation – slim to none, and they are back [their] lives faster.”
Johnson enthuses: “The entire experience was just phenomenal, from the hand-picked team at the center to the results.”
Article from The Observer
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